20. No is Not the Only Way to Say No

"No" is Not the Only Way to Say No

    While there is no doubt at all that when somebody says "no" they mean no, there should also be more taken of the other (100% valid) ways someone can say no.
     Obviously, body language is a clear indicator, but here's a quick little guide. If someone is leaning away from you, they don't want you coming any closer, or even as close as you are. If someone tenses up at your touch, they don't you want you touching them. If someone takes a step back from you, they are creating space between the two of you—not more space for you. Even though the person may not outright say no, you need to be aware enough of personal boundaries to understand that this person does not want you in their space; trust me, you'd know if they did want you there.
     Another cue, this one more verbal, or lack there of, is vital. If you're speaking/flirting with someone, and they give you one word answers, noncommittal grunts, or don't answer at all, they don't want to talk to you! As shocking as it may seem, nobody owes you their time or conversation. As soon as you realize that they do not wish to speak to you, you should drop the advances. If they were interested, they would've flirted back.
     That's the main thing here; people make it very clear when they want to talk to you, and when there's even a little bit of doubt as to whether or not that person is comfortable with the situation, you should respect their feelings and step back; not try to convince them, or call them stuck up, or ask why they're "being like that," or continue to do what you're doing.
