24. Small Ways to Practice Self-Love

This week, out of solidarity for the one-year anniversary of the Pulse shooting, I'll be posting something each day about love.

It's entirely too easy to feel real sucky about yourself; whether it's because you did poorly on exam, double texted someone, scrolled a little too far on someone's Instagram, or maybe just read the news. So for times like those when everything just sucks a little bit, I've complied a list of little things that'll hopefully make you feel even the tiniest bit better.

turn on some fairy lights
Ambiance is key to lifting your mood, at least in my opinion. I love fairy lights with a gold hue, because I feel like they add more warmth than white or fluorescent lights.

light a candle
This kind of ties into the previous suggestion, but you'll feel a lot better if you're in a place that smells nice. Plus, if you really need the extra lift you could get a specifically mood-boosting candle.

do something that feels productive
This could be anything ranging from making your bed to painting your nails; really anything that has some kind of tangible finished result.

drink something
In theory, this should probably be water, but it's also nice to have something else. In the winter coffee is great, but in the summer I definitely prefer lemonade.

take a shower/bath
Feeling clean on the outside usually helps with feeling soothed on the inside.

change your clothes
This one depends on what you're already wearing. If I've been wearing pjs all day then it's nice to put on some real clothes and do my makeup. On the other hand, if you've been wearing uncomfortable clothes all day it's nice to change into a sweatshirt and pajama pants.

watch something that doesn't make you think
Of course it's important to be aware of the world, but you don't need to be watching the news 24/7. Watch something that requires no thought or stress; makeup tutorials, Disney movies, HGTV, etc.
