28. Love Languages

This week, out of solidarity for the one-year anniversary of the Pulse shooting, I'll be posting something each day about love.

     Around three or so years ago, I took the Love Languages test. At the time, my love language was the giving/receiving of gifts. When I took the test recently however, it was between words of affirmation and quality time.
       I'm not really shocked to find the change; I think it's naturally for me to have grown in what I consider to be most valuable in a relationship. I am, however, a little intrigued to consider why exactly this change happened. I think a major key is that I definitely have shifted my number- one-desired traits in friendship. I used to deeply value academic intelligence, the ability to entertain, and a certain air of being clean-cut. Now, I greatly value empathy, loyalty, and the ability to make me feel as though all my feelings are valid, but will make me think as well.
     Ever since anxiety became a part of my life about two years ago, I think I have appreciated kind words more and more. I enjoy hearing compliments, but not nearly as much as I feel soothed by comforting reassurances. Just as well, ever since I started working on keeping my anxiety at bay last summer, I have also deeply enjoyed spending time with people I love. While I have noticed a shift in how I prefer to receive love, the way I display it is still mostly the same. For the most part, I give gifts and tokens to express my love and gratitude. I certainly don't think that because I now appreciate words and time as opposed to presents I am suddenly the most down-to-earth person; I don't think there is anything wrong with placing sentiment in material objects, I am just grateful to be able to see my own growth. And no matter which love is fitting in your life, I hope you have an abundance of it.
