47. Amsterdam

  Amsterdam is the absolute most stunning place I have ever been lucky enough to go to. The buildings were beautiful, narrow tall, and storybook-esque. The entire city was somewhat grungy, but everything seemed so proud and exposed. The streets were either lined with stalls of flowers, or cheese, or bread. The people all had an air of strange humble importance. 
      Never have I gotten off the plane and immediately felt a wave of easiness. I've also never felt that I could live anywhere else, but Amsterdam felt like it could be home as soon as I stepped out of the airport. 
The entire time I felt so much like myself, it was almost overwhelming. While there I understood things about myself I didn't even know I was looking for answers to. I realized some things that I might never say out loud, but inspired some deep personal reflection and understanding. 
Even just thinking about the feeling of knowing who you are, and where you belong, and where you want to be makes my heart flutter. I cannot stress enough how much I hope everyone on the planet finds a place that makes them feel that way. 

(It would be a lie if I said the motivation for this post weren't sparked by this very larry video.)
