Whether you've already started school, are about to start school, or are just finishing up, the biggest piece of advice I can give to get you through the school year is: be kind. That's literally it, just be kind to others and yourself. While it's easy in theory, it can prove to be a little more difficult in practice, so here's a list of ways to practice kindness.
(you need to help yourself before you can help anyone else)
- don't sign up for classes you already know you'll hate
Obviously there are some classes you'll have to take, but if you have a choice, there's no point in making yourself suffer. If you hate chemistry, don't take AP chem; if playing the violin makes feels like a chore, don't take orchestra. Believe it or not, it's that simple.
- eat meals on time
This one is really important, because if you don't eat, you can't function. Let your meal times be break times.
- take at least one fun, easy class
For me this is art, but it could be something completely different for someone else. It's really lovely to have one class where you dot need to stress.
- don't force yourself to hang out with people/go to events that make you uncomfortable
You are not obligated to make yourself miserable to make other people happy.
- have at least one fun/chill outing each week
You've worked hard all week, give yourself a break! Hang out with your friends and family, do nothing, go out, etc.
- take your medication!
You were prescribed it for a reason
- make sure you get some sleep
Again, you can't function if you don't sleep.
- you are not your grades
Work hard and then let it go.
(you will never, ever get anything out of being mean to anyone)
- sit with people who are sitting alone
It's polite to ask someone to sit with you, but it's kind to actually sit with them and engage them in conversation.
- volunteer
Someone somewhere needs you.
- forgive people, even if (especially if) it's difficult
Everyone screws up — especially in high school.
- say good morning
A simple greeting can make all the difference
- if your friend has a play/game/art exhibition, go support them!
If you love them, you should take part in the things they love.
- share food
If you can, maybe bring in a snack or share some of your lunch. You never know who has eaten or had the means to eat.
- compliment people
There's nothing better than making people feel good about themselves. This is probably unpopular opinion, but I think you can tell someone you like their shoes even if you think they're hideous; don't be fake and snarky about, but there's no harm in boosting someone's confidence.
- ask questions
Talk about yourself less, it'll help you find yourself.