39. Your Five Closest Friends

Take a second with this; who are the five people you're closest to? Your ride-or-dies, your best friends, the five people who know you best. Did you come up with your list?
      Okay, so now that you've narrowed it down to five people, what's one word you would use to describe in each one of those five people? For me, those adjectives are: thoughtful, kind, passionate, empathetic, and open. 

     This next part for some reason came as a great shock to me, but those five adjectives you used to describe your five closest friends are actually words that would describe you. Did your results surprise you? In theory, this makes sense as it's only logical that the people you spend the most time with would rub off on you. But also, I have my own theory that we project a lot onto other people (for example, if you're insecure about your arms you'll look at everyone else's arms, but probably won't even glance at anyone else's legs), and so admire traits in people that we already have within ourselves, whether or not we know/acknowledge it. My Kind friend is actually the one who introduced me to this, and also pointed out to me that for the most part, we slightly tweak our descriptions of our personalities so as not to come off narcissistic or self-obsessed. So with this, I feel like we get a more honest reflection of ourselves and also allows us to take inventory of those we keep closest to us. 
