68. Jaclyn Hill Palette: "Twerk"

When my friends gifted me the Jaclyn Hill Palette for my birthday, I couldn't help but be immediately drawn towards the shade "Twerk". It was bright, vibrant, daring, different. Totally not up my alley in terms of my usual makeup look, but I was having so much trouble just settling on a soft brown in the crease and a metallic inner corner highlight; I eventually ended up doing the look you see above.
Lots of orangey tones in the crease with that bright pop of blue carried across the lid. All the shadows I used were from the JH palette; the oranges in my crease consisted of Butter, Pukey, Hunts, Roxanne, Jacz, and a little Creamsicle near the very top of my crease to blend everything together; I thought it added a fun little sunset-y vibe. Then the fun part came, packing that cobalt blue shade all across my lid. I sprayed my brush with a little Fix Plus by MAC to really get that pigment before I went in. After I applied Twerk, I went in with Chip, a chocolate brown, and applied the shadow where the orange and the blue met to create a smoother transition. I finished off with Obsessed as my inner corner highlight and voilà, my look was complete! 
Now to share some of the pros and cons of this palette. Although I love the shades and the formula, this palette has a TON of fallout - like, so much fallout. However, that didn't hinder he blendability and the pigment packed in each shadow. Despite the fallout, I do recommend testing out this palette for yourself because not only will it have your usual color scheme but it'll also you give you the opportunity to play around with shades you haven't experimented with yet. Overall, I'd give two thumbs up to Jaclyn Hill and Morphe!
